Subject: TCP/IP: IP Monitor 1.1.1 Author: Erik C. Thauvin ( Uploaded By: AFC Erik Date: 8/17/1997 File: IP Monitor 1.1.1.sit (48550 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 1051 Equipment: Any Mac or PPC with a TCP/IP connection Needs: System 7, Open Transport or MacTCP Keywords: IP OPEN TRANSPORT ADDRESS TCP MACTCP TYPE: Freeware Application LIBRARY: IC/New Files & Free Uploading Final: IC/Misc Net Tools ------------------------------------------------ KEYWORDS: IP OPEN TRANSPORT ADDRESS TCP MACTCP IP Monitor is a handy application which displays the current IP network (or subnet mask) address of your Macintosh on your desktop. With IP Monitor, you won't need to open the TCP/IP (or MacTCP) controlpanel to view your Macintosh's IP address. Additionally, IP Monitor allows you to copy the current IP network (or subnet mask) address to the clipboard, where it can be pasted directly to most applications and documents. IP Monitor is especially useful to people connecting to the Internet via the PPP or SLIP protocols, whenever IP addressing is provided dynamically by the host' server. IP Monitor requires System 7 as well as an IP network driver such as Open Transport or MacTCP. IP Monitor is scriptable. AppleScript, QuicKeys 3 and UserLand Frontier example scripts are included. Version 1.1.1 adds full Open Transport support. Enjoy! Erik C. Thauvin Downloads of Previous Versions: 958 ----------------------------------------------------------- Internet Connection Forum Libraries. Keyword: NET SOFTWARE This file has been checked for viruses. DMA